We believe that The Great Commission, where Jesus calls His people to “…go and make disciples of all nations…” is more than just solely inviting people to come to church.
That is why FBC Barnwell is an outwardly facing church. Simply put, we are a movement of God’s people committed to taking the Gospel into every street, and to every person, so we can show the world that no matter where one finds themselves, Jesus is the hope they long for.
No matter how or why someone is lost, we are relentless about being hands-on; providing a practical way for them to be found in the very place they have ended up. It’s why we have dozens of outreach and discipleship ministries. It’s all about moving beyond the church walls so we can effectively connect with the lives that are waiting to know the hope of Jesus Christ.
FBC Barnwell is associated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We adhere to the SBC Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Our vision is to shine the light of Jesus Christ to Barnwell and all the world. This mission mandate has called God’s people to SAVE the lost, EQUIP the saved, and SEND disciples out into the world. Our mission is simple. We exist to Revive Believers, Reach Family & Friends, and Renew Culture.
< Revive Believers >
We want to partner with God in telling His story of redemption and grace to His children. In our specific culture, we run into far too many people who were raised in the church and left it. Too many people have abandoned the church of their youth; and yet, deep down they do desire to know God and grow close to Him. Whatever their reason for leaving, we want to remind each of them of their status as beloved sons and daughters of Christ. We want to remind those who are burnt out on church of the Gospel of grace. We believe when we experience and live in the reality of grace, we are revived and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit reviving the hearts of His people, more will be led to the saving grace of Jesus Christ!
< Reach Friends >
The mission of God has always been to bring back all God’s children to Himself. When we ourselves are revived by grace, we long to share that grace with others. Grace is contagious and love leads to a declaration for all to see no matter the age. Our mission as a church is to develop authentic friendships with those outside the family of God, to love them, serve them, and ultimately invite them into relationship with Jesus. Once this bond is established, we can equip all God’s people to a deeper understanding of God’s peace and eternal joy. It was the Savior himself who said, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10)
< Renew Culture >
As the redeemed children of God, our ambition is to glorify God through our works of transformation and renewal. The arts, economics, social institutions, customs, technology, entertainment, and all worldly life has been damaged by the fall of mankind. As sons and daughters of the King, as His “new creation,” we seek to identify the distorted aspects of culture and reorient them towards their true end – the purpose and glory of God! Our mission is to have the character of Jesus seen in the culture we create – in all we say and do. To do this, it brings us back to our main mission focus which is to revive believers, reach the lost, equip them all with God’s truth, and bring the world to a God centered culture by sending His people out into all creation!